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Do tematu: Chemtrails

Komentarze do artykułu: Większa kratka jednego z kandydatów




2010-07-13 19:12:55 rec_index


Chemtrails nad Warszawą


2010-07-13 19:15:13


to już niedługo


2010-07-13 21:38:54

w warszawce bedziemy oglądać mutantów i morgelons-ów....
   i na dodatek żydzi warszawscy też dostaną dawkę...


a to widzieliście ?!


2010-07-13 21:58:29

to jest ciekawe ! tak to wygląda...


built on love


2010-07-13 22:02:16

There is so much wrong with our modern civilization it will be a miracle if we can ever make it right. We have accepted the madness of modern day life mostly because we have been addicted to promises and dreams of riches and comfort. Also because we are afraid to lose what it is we have. But what is it modern man has that is worth so much? Have our decades of wealth and comfort been worth so much that we have willingly sacrificed the future of our children and the carrying capacity of the planet?
   Psychopaths are simply people without hearts. Sure they have pumps beating in their chests but the heart of man goes much deeper than a muscle. It is my opinion that there is just too little heart in this world, too little love. We are facing a doubtful future because we have not learned the lessons of love. Certainly the captains of civilization are not loving nor do they like to listen to anything that conflicts with their agenda.
   The next effort at building a civilization will have to be fundamentally different. It will need to be built on love of our fellow human beings and that is not about to happen as long as those in power remain so. It’s the elites that we have to be most careful about for they have sociopathic goals and have no compunction against using psychopathic means. They certainly have their hands on the power strings that control contemporary civilization so their lack of heart is crushing.


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